
Showing posts from May, 2019

Self-Employed: Bank Statements

我是全職房地產經紀。如果您還有任何貸款 灣區房地產問題 請聯繫:408-386-1530 電郵: Wechat: katie_w0 DRE#: 02032778 NMLS#:1494343 Googain Inc. dba MaxReal Website:

Hybrid ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage)

Buying a Home with a Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgage While fixed rate mortgages remain at historical low levels, some borrowers are beginning to utilize Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgages (“Hybrid ARMs”) for the home buying process. For certain borrowers, Hybrid ARMs are a viable product for the purchase of a home. A Hybrid ARM is a loan where the loan is fixed for a set period, typically three, five, seven, or sometimes ten years . After the fixed rate period, the loan converts into a one-year ARM. Because there is less risk to the lender from changes in the interest rate environment, Hybrid ARMs will usually have a lower starting interest rate than a comparable 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Borrowers who do not plan to keep a mortgage longer than the fixed period may be a good candidate for Hybrid ARMs. Borrowers who plan to either payoff the loan early either through early prepayment, refinancing, or sale of the property should carefully consider a Hybrid ARM as a mortgage

Flood Certifications and Flood Zones

A flood certification is required on all mortgage applications. The certification is provided by a third-party vendor for the lender to verify whether the domicile and any structures that are used as a security for a mortgage loan are in an area which requires flood insurance as determined by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Flood zone classifications are designated by a letter. These are: A – 100 Year Flood Plain B – 500 Year Flood Plain C – Mapped areas with no known flood hazards V – Areas subject to coastal or tidal flooding X – Areas that are not mapped by the Corps of Engineers Properties which are located in flood zones are “A” and “V” are required to have flood insurance. The others areas are required to be disclosed to the borrowers, but flood insurance is not required. If properties are located in “A” or “V”, the notice regarding required flood insurance must be provided a minimum of 10 days prior to the date of closing. Occasionally, a flood certificate w

What is Preliminary Report?

A preliminary report is a report prepared prior to issuing a policy of title insurance that shows the ownership of a specific parcel of land, together with the liens and encumbrances thereon which will not be covered under a subsequent title insurance policy. Understanding Preliminary Reports After months of searching, you've finally found it, your perfect dream home. But is it perfect? Will you be purchasing more than just a beautiful home? Will you also be acquiring liens placed on the property by prior owners? Have documents been recorded that will restrict your use of the property? The preliminary report will provide you with the opportunity, prior to purchase, to review matters affecting your property which will be excluded from coverage under your title insurance policy unless removed or eliminated before your purchase. To help you better understand this often bewildering subject, the California Land Title Association has answered some of the questions most comm

Truth-in-Lending (Reg Z) – (Initial Disclosure LE – Part 2 of 3)

In the first post on initial disclosures, there was a discussion of the Lender Estimate (“LE”).  In this post, part 2 of 3, this is a discussion of the other major disclosure that takes place at loan application, the Truth-In-Lending Disclosure (“TIL”) or Reg Z.  As mentioned in the first post, there are two major disclosures that take place when the loan application has reached the “trigger” point.  That is, the six items that make a loan application official for government reporting purposes. Please see part 1 of this series for more information.  The second major disclosure is the TIL. The TIL disclosure is made up of four major components along with several other items that are disclosed that outline certain terms of the loan.  These four major components are: Amount Financed Total of Payments Finance Charge Annual Percentage Rate Though the TIL was required by statutes (Regulation Z) to aid the consumer regarding the “true” cost of financing a loan, instead there

Owner Title Policy

Owner's title insurance provides protection to the homeowner if someone sues and says they have a claim against the home from before the homeowner purchased it.  When you purchase your home, you receive a document most often called a deed, which shows the seller transferred their legal ownership, or “title” to their home, to you. Title insurance can protect you if someone later sues and says they have a claim against the home from before you purchased it. Some common examples include: Disagreement about the property lines Disputes about whether or not the seller had a proper right to sell the property to you Discovery of undisclosed liens or lawsuits against the property Most lenders require you to purchase a lender’s title insurance policy, which protects the amount they lend. You may want to buy an owner’s title insurance policy, which can help protect your financial investment in the home. It protects you from someone popping up out of the blue and challengin

Cash Out Immediately

我是全職房地產經紀。如果您還有任何貸款 灣區房地產問題 請聯繫:408-386-1530 電郵: Wechat: katie_w0 DRE#: 02032778 NMLS#:1494343 Googain Inc. dba MaxReal Website:

Lender Estimates – (Initial Disclosure LE – Part 1 of 3)

As part of the application process, a lender must provide a Lender Estimate (“LE”) and a Truth-in-Lending (“TIL”) statement within 3 days of a loan application. Often there is confusion regarding the requirements of these forms. For today’s posting (part 1 of 3), this is a discussion of when an LE is required, its tolerances, and the rules regarding non-compliance. First, an LE is required when there are 6 items known to a lender. Once the lender is aware of these, an LE must be sent to the consumer. The 6 items are: Borrower Name Subject Property Address Estimated Value of Subject Property for the Loan Loan Amount Borrower Income Borrower Social Security Number Once this information is available to the lender, the LE must go out within 3 days. When the LE goes out, there are several categories of fees. Each of these fees have various tolerances. These categories are: Fees Paid to the Lender – Zero Tolerance Fees Paid to Others at Closing that a Borrower is Not Al

Qualify with 1 year W-2!

我是全職房地產經紀。如果您還有任何貸款 灣區房地產問題 請聯繫:408-386-1530 電郵: Wechat: katie_w0 DRE#: 02032778 NMLS#:1494343 Googain Inc. dba MaxReal Website:


经过漫长的找房看房找房看房过程后,看到中意房子后,就是进行出价,并卖家开始协商议价阶段。好房子人人要,卖家同时间收到好几个出价是很正常的事,但如何让自己脱颖而出顺利成交不仅与出价金额相关,也考验着经纪人的交涉功力。 与经纪人一同讨论并填写「 购房合约Purchase Agreement (Make Offer )」 ─ 里面包含:出价金、订金、是否需要贷款、贷多少、双方同意支付的手续费、产权公司、过户天数、检查天数、其他附加条件等细节。 ─ 买家需签名并附上预先贷款批准信(或现金买家资金证明)与订金支票。 买家决定出价金与支付订金 (约为出价的2-3%,建议与经纪人共同讨论估价)。 卖家可针对买家的出价合约选择接受(Accept)、拒绝(Reject)或书面还价(Counter Offer);买家也可针对卖家的回价书选择接受、拒绝或再还价,直至双方共同可接受的条件为止。同时出现多位买家时也会出现上述情况。 ※此份出价合约具有法律效力,除非条件不满足(如房屋验收不合格、贷款失败等),否则不能撤回。买家只要签了字,就代表要按照上面的出价付款。 ★如何出价大学问! 讨价还价的过程是由买卖家双方的经纪人去进行,并以书面形式完成议价动作。 1. 价格 出价绝对是卖家的首要考量,建议与经纪人一同讨论并分析周边房价去做决定。某些情况下,买家甚至会需要提出比起价更高的价格。 ●通常在市场上较久的房屋,谈价空间较大。 2. 现金 卖家仍是较偏好现金买家,除了少了贷款估价等步骤交易流程更快速,更无须担心因贷款失败而交易被迫取消的风险。 ●基本上现金买家拿到房子的机率较大,因没有贷款的不确定性,过户天数也较短,比贷款买家更具优势。 3. 贷款预先批准信与资金证明 虽然说贷款预先批准信并无法100%保证买家能正式取得贷款,但这仍代表买家以经过财务审核。买家也可提出相关证明辅佐,如稳定工作收入、低负债、拥有足够资金等财务证明。 4.较高的头期款 对贷款银行而言风险较小,代表贷款也较易通过。 5.较少的附加条件(Contingency) 最常见的附加条件有三种:Loan、Appraisal、Inspections,这三项非买家主观意愿的

Cash Out for Reserves

我是全職房地產經紀。如果您還有任何貸款 灣區房地產問題 請聯繫:408-386-1530 電郵: Wechat: katie_w0 DRE#: 02032778 NMLS#:1494343 Googain Inc. dba MaxReal Website:

Bank Statements

我是全職房地產經紀。如果您還有任何貸款 灣區房地產問題 請聯繫:408-386-1530 電郵: Wechat: katie_w0 DRE#: 02032778 NMLS#:1494343 Googain Inc. dba MaxReal Website:

Prequalification vs. Preapproval

Pre-qualification A mortgage loan pre-qualification is simply an estimate of how much house you can afford and how much money a lender would be willing to loan you. The best time to get a pre-qualification is right at the beginning of your home buying process, before you even start looking at houses. This involves either sitting down with a lender or talking with one on the phone, and providing information on your income, assets, debts, and a potential down payment amount. The lender would then provide you with a ballpark figure in writing of how much he thinks you could afford to pay for a monthly mortgage. There is no cost involved and there is no commitment on either side. This estimate is just helpful in helping you figure out if buying a home is a viable option, and if so, what your price range would probably be. Pre-approval Getting pre-approved means that you have a tentative commitment from a specific lender for mortgage funding. In this case, you provide a home loan l

Prime Jumbo: Reduced Doc w/ 1 year tax return

我是全職房地產經紀。如果您還有任何貸款 灣區房地產問題 請聯繫:408-386-1530 電郵: Wechat: katie_w0 DRE#: 02032778 NMLS#:1494343 Googain Inc. dba MaxReal Website: